Clean Our Ocean
The interactive event brought forward examples of visions, innovative approaches or partnerships which supported a clean ocean for sustainable development. Particular focus was given to innovation across the spectrum of relevant stakeholders represented by six panellists. The event also provided an opportunity for youth mobilization, including their direct participation in the event. Watch the full event here.
Ending plastic pollution
In his message marking World Oceans Day, the Secretary-General highlighted the problem of plastic pollution. He noted that eighty per cent of all pollution in the sea comes from land, including some 8 million tons of plastic waste each year, and that plastic chokes waterways, harms communities that depend on fishing and tourism, kills turtles and birds, whales and dolphins, and finds its way to the most remote areas of the planet and throughout the food chain on which we ultimately rely. He stated that the United Nations aimed to lead by example, with more than 30 agencies having begun working to end the use of single-use plastic, but that everyone needed to play a part. The Secretary-General urged governments, communities and individuals alike to celebrate our oceans by helping clear them of pollution and ensure they remain vibrant for generations to come.