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World Ocean Day with the Kawabata Yasunari School in Hann, Senegal

Hann Bel Air Dakar, Dakar, Senegal

The collaboration between Mundus maris and the Kawabata Yasunari School in Hann, Senegal, has become a tradition, with the latest activity involving an educational excursion to the polluted beach in Hann Bay. On June 10, 30 pupils, accompanied by their director and two teachers, visited the area where Dakar’s wastewaters are discharged. The hands-on experience […]

“TESORO EN EL ARRECIFE” evento de lanzamiento versión digital

Hotel Mia Bacalar Luxury sobre carretera, Carretera Chetumal – Carrillo Puerto, Fraccionamiento Seis Kilometro 42 S/N-km 42, Fracc. 6,, Bacalar, Quintana Roo, Mexico

🌊🌎 “EL CIELO ES EL LÍMITE, PERO EL OCÉANO AZUL ES EL ORIGEN” 🌎🌊 Este gran cómic, “TESORO EN EL ARRECIFE,” será presentado en 2 escuelas de Bacalar, Quintana Roo, donde los jóvenes promueven la conciencia ambiental en su comunidad, apoyados por @yzproyectos . Únete a nosotros para celebrar el “DÍA DE LOS OCÉANOS” con […]

Cleaning up around a creek in Hilden, Germany, again

Hoxbach creek Hilden, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

It's becoming a tradition to clean up around the Hoxbach in Hilden, Germany, a tributary of the River Rhine. On Saturday, 15 June for World Ocean Weak, a small group of inveterate ocean lovers invited by Mundus maris gathered in two groups to mob up cigarette butts, plastic and other garbage from the vicinity of […]

Foro “Acciones por el Decenio de las Ciencias Oceánicas”

Peace Boat Puerto de Cruceros, Manzanillo, Colima, Mexico

El Barco de la Paz llega a la ciudad de Manzanillo el día 1 de Julio como parte de su viaje Global numero 117 por el mundo, navegando desde América Latina hacia Canadá y Alaska por el Árctico. Este año, continua sus programas de educacion centrados en el ODS 14 como "contribución" aprobada del Decenio […]

ISA celebrates World Oceans Day with Porter Centre for Knoweldge

International Seabed Authority 14 - 20 Port Royal Street, Kingston, Kingston Parish, Jamaica

On 7 June 2024, in celebration of World Oceans Day, the International Seabed Authority will be hosting 32 students from Porter Centre for Knowledge. In line with ISA's goal to […]

Reconciliation festival

Stavanger- Sola Stavanger, Rogaland, Norway

Reconciliation festival is a new Norwegian initiative in Stavanger region whose vision is guided by the United Nations Agenda 2030 and the UN Sustainable Development Goals. It is a unique chamber musical festival which invites artists alongside scientists to demonstrate how art and science together can contribute to build a beautiful world, and invites the […]