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Discover the secrets of the sea exhibition

Ekoetxea Txingudi Parque ecológico Plaiaundi Parke ekologikoa, Irun

The Basque Environment Agency, Ihobe, has an exhibition on display in its environmental education center (Ekoetxea Txingudi) to learn about the secrets of the sea, its biodiversity and its importance […]

Dia dos Oceanos das Nações Unidas no Planetário PUC Minas

Museu de Ciências Naturais PUC Minas R. Dom José Gaspar, 290, Belo Horizonte

Durante todo mês de junho o Planetário PUC Minas oferecerá a exibição do filme Sounds of the Ocean (Sons do Oceano) dentra da sua programação. A obra marca o Dia Mundial dos Oceanos, e o filme será exibido em formato fulldome, onde a projeção de alta tecnologia é feita de forma imersiva em sua cúpula, […]


Hassan II International Center for environmental Training 36VM+VWW, Salé, Rabat

The program of activities developed by the Foundation aims to awaken new depths of understanding, compassion, collaboration, and commitment to the ocean and all that it supports. It also brings […]



Agora Jardín Bohemio Av. Sufragio Efectivo 34, Centro, 83000 Hermosillo, Son., Hermosillo

Oceans Week Mexico & Pacific Coast seeks to advance the sustainable blue economy by incorporating innovative solutions, strengthening and connecting projects and programs dedicated to raising awareness, protecting and restoring […]

Sunshine Coast Ocean Festival

Friendship Park 5665 Teredo St, Sechelt

Join us for our 5th annual Sunshine Coast Ocean Festival! This year's festival is produced in collaboration with RhizomeUP!Media and Rogue Fest. We have a full week of activities FREE […]