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Dia dos Oceanos das Nações Unidas no Planetário PUC Minas

Museu de Ciências Naturais PUC Minas R. Dom José Gaspar, 290, Belo Horizonte

Durante todo mês de junho o Planetário PUC Minas oferecerá a exibição do filme Sounds of the Ocean (Sons do Oceano) dentra da sua programação. A obra marca o Dia Mundial dos Oceanos, e o filme será exibido em formato fulldome, onde a projeção de alta tecnologia é feita de forma imersiva em sua cúpula, […]


Hassan II International Center for environmental Training 36VM+VWW, Salé, Rabat

The program of activities developed by the Foundation aims to awaken new depths of understanding, compassion, collaboration, and commitment to the ocean and all that it supports. It also brings […]


FOR PLANET OCEAN- Creativity Challenge on Instagram


This creative challenge is an ARTivism movement that aims to celebrate, educate & build community around all that is ocean. Through creativity and story-telling we help to bridge the ocean […]

United Row’s Race Across the Pacific

The Worlds Toughest Row at Historic Monterey Harbor 250 Figueroa St., Monterey

Cheer on best friends, Anna McLean & Jenny D'Anthony as they attempt a record breaking challenge to be the youngest and fastest female pair to row across the Pacific Ocean for The World's Toughest Row. They will leave on UN World Oceans Day, Saturday, June 8th 2024 from Monterey, California and finish 2800 miles and […]

Exhibition ‘Rhythms of Nature’ in Buenos Aires adds artistic flavour to World Ocean week

Universidad de Belgrano Buenos Aires

Mundus maris patrocinó con orgullo la exposición "Rhythms of Nature" de Laura Bustamante, curada por Maite Paladini, en el atrio de la Universidad de Belgrano en Buenos Aires, Argentina, inaugurada el 10 de junio de 2024. Esta exposición resalta la relación vital entre las ciencias y las artes visuales para promover la conciencia y acción […]

Peace Boat in NYC: Sailing for Blue Innovation and the SDGs Celebration onboard Peace Boat – June 16

Peace Boat - MV Pacific World ship Manhattan Cruise Terminal, New York

Date: Sunday, June 16 Time: 4:00 – 10:00 pm (ET) Attendance by invitation only On Sunday, June 16, Peace Boat’s ship, the MV Pacific World, will visit New York City during the month of celebration for the United Nations World Oceans Day, highlighting the 2024 theme of “Awaken New Depths.” Peace Boat will host a […]